Yori Saneyoshi: Meet The Lakers Superfan, Entrepreneur, and Generous Soul


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Yori Saneyoshi

Yori Saneyoshi is a woman who really loves the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. She has been going to their games for a very long time since the 1980s. You can often see her sitting in the best seats right next to the court. She’s there for almost every game cheering for her favorite team.

But Yori is not just a big fan of basketball. She is also very good at business. She started working in real estate and has become quite successful. She owns two fancy houses in Beverly Hills and has made a lot of money through her work and smart choices.

Yori was born in Japan in 1951 but later moved to America. She studied business at a big university in California. Even though she is done well for herself she likes to keep her personal life private. Not many people know a lot about her which makes her a bit mysterious.

One of the nicest things about Yori is that she likes to help others. She spends time and money on charity work, especially trying to help people who do not have much. She is known for being kind and giving not just for loving basketball and being good at business. Yori Saneyoshi is an interesting person who shows you can be successful while also being a big sports fan and helping others.

Who is Yori Saneyoshi?

Who is Yori Saneyoshi?

Yori Saneyoshi is a woman who really loves basketball especially the Los Angeles Lakers team. She was born in Japan in 1951 but later moved to America. People often see her at Lakers games sitting in the best seats right next to the court. She has been going to these games for a very long time since the 1980s.

Besides being a big fan of basketball Yori is also good at business. She studied business in college and now works in real estate. She has made a lot of money from her work and smart choices. She owns two big fancy houses in Beverly Hills which shows how well she was done.

Yori likes to keep her personal life private so not many people know a lot about her. She has a partner named Kay Harrington but they are not married. She also has two sisters and a brother. One of her sisters is a singer and the other makes videos and other content. Her brother runs a small restaurant.

One important thing about Yori is that she likes to help others. She spends time and money on charity work especially trying to help people who do not have much. Even though she has a lot of money she tries not to show off. Instead she focuses on things she enjoys like watching basketball and helping people in need.

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Yori Saneyoshi Wikipedia

Full/Real NameYori Saneyoshi
Birth DateJune 24, 1951
NationalityJapanese, later obtained American nationality
Age72 years old
Zodiac SignCancer
Sexual OrientationStraight
FatherMasao Saneyoshi (renowned oil tycoon in Japan)
Marital StatusSingle
Relationship WithKay Harrington
Famous ForBeing the daughter of rapper Nelly
Eye ColorBlack
Hair ColorBlack
Weight50 kg
ProfessionBusiness, Entrepreneurship

Yori Saneyoshi’s Early Life

Yori Saneyoshi’s Early Life

Yori Saneyoshi was born in Japan in 1951. She grew up there with her family including her father who worked as a school teacher. Life was normal for Yori until 1984 when her father died from a heart attack. This was a big change for the family.

After her father died, Yori, her mother and her siblings decided to move to America. They were looking for a fresh start and new chances in life. This move was a big step for Yori as she had to leave behind everything she knew in Japan.

In America Yori started working small jobs related to sports to make money. It was during this time that she started to really like basketball. This love for basketball would become a big part of her life later on.

Yori Saneyoshi’s Age

Yori Saneyoshi was born in 1951, which makes her 72 years old in 2024. She has lived through many changes in the world, from the way people live to how technology has grown. Through all these years her love for basketball has stayed strong.

At 72, Yori is still a big fan of the Los Angeles Lakers. She goes to their games and sits in the best seats. Her age does not stop her from enjoying the sport she loves. She has been watching the Lakers play since the 1980s which is a very long time.

Yori shows that you can be passionate about something at any age. She’s not a young fan but her love for the Lakers is just as strong as ever. Her dedication to the team over so many years is something that many people admire.

Yori Saneyoshi Parents

Yori Saneyoshi father was named Masao Saneyoshi. He was a very successful businessman in Japan known as an oil tycoon. This means he made a lot of money in the oil business. Because of this Yori grew up in a wealthy family and had a comfortable life.

Even though Yori’s family was rich she found her own passion in sports especially basketball. Her parents wealth gave her opportunities but she chose to follow her own interests. This shows that Yori had her own mind and didn’t just rely on her family’s money.

The information about Yori’s mother is not mentioned in the text. We only know about her father. This is probably because Yori likes to keep her family life private. She does not share a lot of information about her parents with the public.

Yori Saneyoshi Siblings

Yori Saneyoshi has two sisters and a brother. Each of her siblings has their own interesting life and job. Her older sister is a singer. She performs music and has made a name for herself in the music world. This shows that talent runs in the family.

Yori’s younger sister works as a content creator. This means she makes things like videos, articles, or other types of media for people to enjoy. It’s a modern job that many young people do these days. Yori sometimes works with this sister on creative projects.

Yori’s brother runs a small restaurant. He cooks food and serves customers. Yori likes to go to his restaurant to eat and spend time with him. Even though all the siblings have different jobs, they seem to be close and support each other.

Yori Saneyoshi Education

Yori Saneyoshi started her schooling in Japan. She went to a public school in Sapporo and got her fifth-class degree there. This was the beginning of her education journey. When she was in sixth grade, her family moved to Los Angeles in America. This was a big change for her education.

In Los Angeles, Yori finished the rest of her school years. She had to get used to a new country, a new language, and a new school system. But she worked hard and did well. After high school, she decided to go to college to learn more.

Yori went to the University of Southern California. This is a big and well-known school. There, she studied for a master’s degree in Business Administration. This is a type of degree that teaches people how to run businesses. It was during her time at this university that Yori started to really like basketball. This education helped her later in her business career.

Yori Saneyoshi Career

Yori Saneyoshi Career

Yori Saneyoshi’s career is mainly in real estate and investments. This means she buys and sells properties and puts money into different businesses to make more money. She started this career after she finished her education at the University of Southern California.

Yori used the money her family already had to start her own business. She was smart with her choices and worked hard. Over time, she became very successful. She knows how to make good decisions about where to put her money to make it grow.

Even though Yori is very good at business, she’s most known for being a big fan of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. She goes to almost all their games and sits in the best seats. This shows that she has found a way to mix her work life with something she really enjoys.

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Yori Saneyoshi Businesses

Yori Saneyoshi started her business in real estate in Rosemead, Los Angeles. At first, she worked with a small company to learn about the business. This helped her understand how buying and selling properties works. After she learned enough, she decided to start her own business.

To start her own real estate business, Yori used $300,000 of her own money. With this money, she bought two houses and five small plots of land in Pasadena. This was a big risk, but Yori worked hard to make it successful. She spent a lot of time and effort to grow her business.

Yori’s hard work paid off. Her business did very well, and she started making a lot of money. In fact, her income grew to $3.5 million. This shows how successful she became in real estate. Other people in the business started to notice how good she was at her job.

Yori Saneyoshi Lakers

Yori Saneyoshi is a huge fan of the Los Angeles Lakers basketball team. She loves learning about the team’s history, including famous players from the past. Some of her favorite old Lakers players are George Mikan, Gail Goodrich, and Steve Nash. She knows a lot about these players and how they helped the Lakers become a great team.

Yori goes to almost every Lakers game. She sits in seats right next to the court, which are the best seats in the stadium. These seats are very expensive but Yori is willing to pay for them because she loves the team so much. She’s been going to games since the 1980s which is a very long time.

One of the happiest moments for Yori as a Lakers fan was when the team won the NBA championship. They beat the Miami Heat team 4 games to 2 in the final series. Yori was very excited about this win. It made her feel proud to be such a loyal fan of the Lakers.

Yori Saneyoshi Relationship Status

Yori Saneyoshi is in a relationship with someone named Kay Harrington. They have been together for a long time, but they are not married. This is their choice and it works well for them. They seem to be happy together even without being married.

Yori and Kay often go to Lakers games together. They sit side by side in the best seats and enjoy watching the games. This shows that they share Yori’s love for basketball. They spend a lot of time together and seem to get along very well.

Even though Yori is famous for being at Lakers games she likes to keep her personal life private. She doesn’t talk much about her relationship with Kay to other people. This is probably because she wants to keep some parts of her life just for herself and not share everything with the public.

Yori Saneyoshi Hobbies

BasketballYori Saneyoshi’s passion for basketball dates back to her college days. She loves the Lakers and finds immense joy in watching them play on the global stage.

Yori Saneyoshi’s main hobby is basketball. She loves watching games, especially when the Los Angeles Lakers are playing. This isn’t just a small interest for her – it’s a big part of her life. She’s been a fan since her college days and finds a lot of joy in watching the Lakers play on big stages.

Another part of basketball that Yori enjoys is learning about the people involved in the sport. She admires Darvin Ham who is known for being tough and committed to the game. Yori probably likes these qualities and tries to use them in her own life. Her love for basketball shows how much she enjoys the excitement and fun of sports.

Yori Saneyoshi’s Net Worth

Yori Saneyoshi’s Net Worth

In 2024, people think Yori Saneyoshi has about $2 million. This is a lot of money, but it’s interesting because she spends so much on Lakers game tickets. She often spends more than a million dollars just on tickets to sit close to the court. People aren’t sure exactly how she makes all her money, but they think it might be from real estate.

Yori is smart with her money in some ways. She owns two seats in the Lakers’ stadium. When she can’t go to a game, she can sell these seats to other people. This helps her make money back from her expensive seats. Also, her family has a business in oil pipelines, which probably helps her have more money.

All of this shows that Yori knows how to handle money well, even while spending a lot on her favorite team.

Yori Saneyoshi Assets

Houses in Beverly HillsYori Saneyoshi owns two houses in Beverly Hills, with a combined value exceeding $7 million. These properties represent a significant portion of her financial portfolio and serve as symbols of her success in real estate.$7 million

Yori Saneyoshi owns two big houses in Beverly Hills. These houses are worth a lot of money – together, they’re worth more than $7 million. This is a big part of what Yori owns and shows that she’s done well in her work with real estate.

These expensive houses aren’t just places for Yori to live. They show how successful she’s been in her business life. Owning such valuable properties in a fancy area like Beverly Hills proves that Yori knows how to make smart choices with her money. It’s a sign that she’s good at more than just watching basketball – she’s also skilled at investing in valuable things.

Yori Saneyoshi Charity Works

Yori Saneyoshi spends time and money helping other people. She focuses on helping people who don’t have much money or are having a hard time. This shows that even though she has a lot of money herself, she cares about others who aren’t as lucky.

Yori doesn’t talk much about the charity work she does. She likes to keep it private. But we know that she tries to make life better for people who need help. This kind of giving back to others is an important part of who Yori is, along with her love for basketball and her business skills.

What Happened to Yori Saneyoshi?

Recently, people have noticed that Yori Saneyoshi isn’t at Lakers games as much as she used to be. This has made some fans wonder what’s going on. But there’s no big drama or problem – it’s just that Yori is getting older and might be changing what she likes to do.

Yori has always been private about her life, and she still is. She doesn’t tell people much about why she’s not at games as often. This makes some people curious, but it’s just Yori’s way of keeping her personal life to herself. She’s probably just living her life quietly, away from all the attention she gets at basketball games.

Why Do People Criticize Her?

Some people criticize Yori Saneyoshi because they don’t understand how she can afford such expensive seats at Lakers games for so many years. They wonder where she gets all her money, especially since she does not talk much about her work or life. This makes some people suspicious or jealous.

But these critics might not know the whole story. Yori is actually very generous. She sometimes gives away her game tickets to others during holidays. This shows she’s not just rich, but also kind. People who criticize her might not see this side of her because she does not brag about the good things she does.

Yori Saneyoshi’s Social Activities

Yori Saneyoshi’s Social Activities
Social ActivityDescription
Spending Time with FriendsYori Saneyoshi enjoys spending time with her close-knit group of friends, whether dining at her brother’s restaurant, attending her sister’s live performances, or collaborating on creative projects with her content-creating sibling.
Supporting the LakersYori is always enthusiastic about joining other fans in supporting her favorite basketball team, the Lakers.

Yori Saneyoshi likes to spend time with her close friends and family. She often goes to her brother’s restaurant to eat and hang out. She also goes to see her sister perform music live. Sometimes, she works on creative projects with her other sister who makes content. These activities show that Yori values her family relationships and enjoys supporting what they do.

Another big part of Yori’s social life is going to Lakers games with other fans. She loves being part of the crowd and cheering for her favorite team. This isn’t just about watching basketball – it is about being part of a community of people who all love the same thing. Yori seems to enjoy both quiet time with family and the excitement of being with a big group of fans.

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Interesting Facts About Yori Saneyoshi

  1. Yori Saneyoshi was born in Japan in 1951 and later relocated to Los Angeles, California.
  2. She completed her Master’s in Business Administration at the University of Southern California.
  3. A devoted fan of the Los Angeles Lakers since the 1980s, Yori has a strong affinity for the team.
  4. She owns two properties in Beverly Hills, collectively valued at over $7 million.
  5. As of 2024, Yori’s estimated net worth is $2 million.
  6. Her career spans real estate and various investments, utilizing both her family’s wealth and her own business expertise.
  7. Yori is in a relationship with Kay Harrington, though they are not married.
  8. She is actively involved in charitable efforts, particularly in supporting underprivileged individuals.
  9. Her favorite past Lakers players include George Mikan, Gail Goodrich, and Steve Nash.
  10. Despite her financial success, Yori prefers to maintain a low profile and cherishes her privacy.


Who is Yori Saneyoshi? 

Yori Saneyoshi is a dedicated Los Angeles Lakers fan who’s often seen at games. She’s also a successful businesswoman, mainly working in real estate. 

How did Yori Saneyoshi make her money? 

Yori Saneyoshi made her money through real estate investments and other business ventures. She started with some family wealth and grew it through smart decisions. 

Why is Yori Saneyoshi famous? 

Yori Saneyoshi is famous for being a constant presence at Lakers games, sitting in expensive courtside seats. She’s been attending games regularly since the 1980s.

Does Yori Saneyoshi do any charity work? 

Yes, Yori Saneyoshi is involved in charity work, focusing on helping those in need. She keeps her charitable activities private, not seeking attention for them. 

What is Yori Saneyoshi’s relationship status? 

Yori Saneyoshi is in a long-term relationship with Kay Harrington. They are not married but often attend Lakers games together. 

How old is Yori Saneyoshi? 

Yori Saneyoshi was born in 1951, making her 72 years old in 2024. Despite her age, she remains an active Lakers fan and businesswoman. 


Yori Saneyoshi is a unique figure who combines a passion for basketball with business acumen and a generous spirit. Her story is one of dedication, from her unwavering support of the Lakers to her successful career in real estate. While she keeps much of her personal life private, her presence at games and her charitable efforts have made her a well known and respected figure.

Yori’s life shows that it’s possible to balance different interests and priorities. She’s found a way to enjoy her love of sports while also building a successful career and helping others. Her story reminds us that we can pursue our passions at any age and that success can come in many forms, whether it’s in business, fandom, or giving back to the community.

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