Magali Brunelle Keeso (Jared Keeso’s Wife): A Story of Love, Privacy, and Success


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Magali Brunelle Keeso

Magali Brunelle Keeso is a Canadian lawyer who’s married to Jared Keeso, a well known actor. She’s good at her job, focusing on intellectual property law, which is about protecting things people create. Magali works for a tech company called Coveo and also teaches at McGill University.

Even though her husband Jared is famous, Magali likes to keep their life together private. They met through friends in 2018 and got married in a small wedding in 2020. They do not talk much about their relationship in public or share many photos online.

Magali’s story is interesting because it shows how someone can be successful in their career while also keeping their personal life out of the spotlight. She and Jared seem to have found a good balance between his fame as an actor and her work as a lawyer. Their relationship is a mix of love, privacy, and individual success.

Who is Magali Brunelle Keeso?

Who is Magali Brunelle Keeso
Who is Magali Brunelle Keeso

Magali Brunelle Keeso is a lawyer from Canada. She works in a special area of law called intellectual property, which deals with protecting things people create or invent. Magali is good at her job and works for a company called Coveo, which makes software.

Besides her main job, Magali also teaches at McGill University. She shares her knowledge about business law and intellectual property with students there. This shows that she’s not just good at doing her job, but also at explaining it to others.

Magali is married to Jared Keeso, who is a famous actor in Canada. Even though her husband is well-known, Magali prefers to keep her own life private. She does not appear in public much or talk about her personal life on social media.

We don’t know a lot about Magali’s personal details, but we do know she was born on April 10 in Montreal, Quebec. She’s probably in her mid-thirties now. Magali seems to enjoy a mix of work and private life, balancing her career success with a quiet personal life away from the public eye.

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Profile Summary of Magali Brunelle Keeso

Full/Real NameMagali Brunelle Keeso
NicknameMagali Brunelle
Birth DateApril 10
BirthplaceMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Age (As of 2023)Mid-thirties
Zodiac SignAries
EthnicityWhite (Caucasian)
Sexual OrientationStraight
Marital StatusMarried
SpouseJared Keeso
Famous ForBeing the celebrity wife
ProfessionCorporate lawyer specializing in intellectual property law
ContributionsLegal expertise to Coveo, a Canadian software company

Magali Brunelle Keeso Age

Magali Brunelle Keeso was born on April 10, but we do not know exactly what year. This makes it a bit tricky to know her exact age. From what we can guess, she’s probably in her mid-thirties as of 2023. Magali likes to keep her personal information private, so she hasn’t shared her birth year with the public.

Magali was born in Montreal, Quebec, which is a big city in Canada. She is Canadian and has spent much of her life there. Even though we don’t know her exact age, we do know that she’s old enough to have finished school, become a lawyer, and build a successful career.

It’s interesting that Magali chooses not to share her age. This might be because she wants to keep her private life separate from her work life. In the world of law, where Magali works, people often judge others based on their experience rather than their age.

Even without knowing her exact age, we can tell that Magali has accomplished a lot in her life so far. She’s become an expert in intellectual property law, teaches at a university, and works for a big software company. 

All of these things take time and hard work, showing that Magali has been busy making the most of her years, whatever her exact age might be.

Magali Brunelle Keeso Early Life & Education

Magali Brunelle Keeso Early Life & Education
Magali Brunelle Keeso Early Life & Education

Magali Brunelle Keeso grew up in Montreal, Quebec, which is a lively city in Canada. As a child, she probably experienced the mix of French and English cultures that Montreal is known for. Growing up in such a diverse place might have helped shape her interests and her way of thinking.

We don’t know much about Magali’s family or what her childhood was like. She keeps these details private. But we can guess that her early years were important in setting her on the path to become a lawyer. 

Maybe she was curious about rules and fairness from a young age or perhaps she had family members who worked in law or business. What we do know is that Magali went to the University of Montreal for her education. 

While she was a student there, she did not just focus on her studies. She also worked as a social rights counselor at a place called Project Genesis. This job probably gave her real-world experience in helping people with legal issues. 

She also worked as a research assistant in the law department, which likely helped her learn more about legal research and writing. Magali graduated from the University of Montreal in 2013. This was an important step in her journey to become a lawyer. 

Her time at university, both in classes and in her part-time jobs, helped prepare her for her future career. After finishing school, she was ready to start her professional life as a lawyer, specializing in intellectual property law. 

Magali Brunelle Height, Weight, And Other Features

Eye ColorGrey
Hair ColorBlack
Height5’10” (178 cm)
Weight73 kg

Magali Brunelle is a tall woman, standing at 5 feet 10 inches (178 cm). She weighs about 73 kilograms (161 pounds). Magali has gray eyes and black hair, which are noticeable features of her appearance. 

While we know these basic facts about how she looks, it’s important to remember that Magali is a private person who doesn’t share much about herself publicly. Her height makes her stand out in a crowd, and her gray eyes are probably quite striking. 

Magali Brunelle Keeso’s Professional Career

Magali Brunelle Keeso’s Professional Career
Magali Brunelle Keeso’s Professional Career

Magali Brunelle Keeso works as a lawyer in Canada. She’s not just any lawyer, though. She specializes in intellectual property law, which means she deals with things like patents, copyrights, and trademarks. 

Magali has been working in law for more than ten years now. During this time, she’s handled many different cases and has become very good at what she does. She works for a company called Coveo, which makes software. 

Besides her main job, Magali also teaches at McGill University. She’s what they call an adjunct professor, which means she teaches part-time. At the university, she teaches students about corporate law and intellectual property law.

Magali’s work is important because it helps protect new ideas and inventions. In today’s world, where technology is always changing, her job is crucial. She helps make sure that people and companies get credit for their ideas and that others can not just copy them without permission.

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Magali Brunelle’s Job

Magali Brunelle’s main job right now is being a senior counselor at Coveo. This means she’s a high-level lawyer for the company. But before she got this job, she did a few other things that helped her learn and grow in her career.

When Magali was still a student at the University of Montreal, she worked as a social rights counselor at a place called Project Genesis. This job probably taught her a lot about helping people with legal problems. It was a good start for someone who wanted to be a lawyer.

Also while she was at university, Magali worked as a research assistant in the law department. This job likely involved looking up legal information and helping professors with their work. It was a great way for her to learn more about how law works and to get better at legal research.

Magali finished her studies at the University of Montreal in 2013. After that, she started working as a full-time lawyer. All the experience she got from her earlier jobs, plus what she learned in school, helped prepare her for her current job at Coveo. 

Magali Brunelle’s Personal Life and Advocacy Work

Sure! Here’s the rewritten table:

CareerDedicated to her legal career
PassionPassionate animal lover
TravelFrequently travels with her husband Jared, accompanied by their three rescue dogs
HobbiesEnjoys cooking and cherishing moments with her family
Advocacy WorkActively engages in advocacy, particularly for women’s rights, promoting awareness and addressing critical issues

Magali Brunelle loves animals and has three rescue dogs. She often travels with her husband Jared and their dogs, showing how important her pets are to her. When she’s not working, Magali enjoys cooking and spending time with her family. 

These simple pleasures help her relax from her busy job as a lawyer. Besides her work and hobbies, Magali cares a lot about women’s rights. She uses her voice to talk about important issues that affect women. 

She tries to make people aware of these problems and wants to help make things better. This shows that Magali doesn’t just care about her own life, but also wants to help others and make the world a bit fairer.

Magali Brunelle’s Secretive Marriage To Jared Keeso

Magali Brunelle’s Secretive Marriage To Jared Keeso
Magali Brunelle’s Secretive Marriage To Jared Keeso

Magali Brunelle and Jared Keeso got married on July 4, 2018. Before they got married, they had a long-distance relationship. This means they lived in different places but still managed to stay together. 

Long-distance relationships can be hard, so the fact that they made it work shows how much they care about each other. Even though Jared is a famous actor, Magali and Jared don’t talk much about their marriage in public. 

They like to keep their relationship private. This is pretty unusual for people in show business, who often share a lot about their lives. But Magali and Jared have decided that they want to keep their personal life to themselves.

We don’t know much about their wedding day. They probably had a small, private ceremony with just their close family and friends. This fits with how they usually act, keeping things quiet and away from the public eye. 

It’s likely that they wanted their special day to be just for them, without lots of people watching or taking pictures. By keeping their marriage private, Magali and Jared can have a normal life together, even though Jared is famous. 

They don’t have to worry about what people think or say about their relationship. This privacy probably helps them focus on each other and their life together, instead of what the public thinks.

Their choice to keep things private makes people more curious about them. Fans of Jared often wonder what their life is like together. But Magali and Jared seem to think that having a private, happy marriage is more important than sharing everything with the public. 

How Did Magali Brunelle Keeso and Jared Kelso Meet?

Magali Brunelle Keeso and Jared Kelso first met in 2018. They didn’t meet by chance or at a big event. Instead, they were introduced by some friends they both knew. This is a pretty common way for people to meet, even when one of them is famous like Jared.

After they met, Magali and Jared seemed to like each other right away. They started spending a lot of time together and became close very quickly. Sometimes when people meet, they just click, and it seems like this is what happened with Magali and Jared. 

They found that they enjoyed being around each other and wanted to spend more time together. Even though Jared is a public figure, he does not usually talk much about his personal life. 

But he has shown how much he cares about Magali on social media a few times. He’s posted nice things about her, which shows that he’s proud of their relationship and wants to share a little bit of their happiness with his fans.

Magali and Jared dated for a while before they got married. During this time, they probably got to know each other better and decided they wanted to spend their lives together. They got married in 2020, about two years after they first met. 

They had a small, private wedding with just their closest family and friends there. One nice thing about their relationship is how they support each other. Jared often goes with Magali to events related to her work. 

They seem to be a team, helping each other out in both their personal lives and their careers. This kind of support is important in any relationship, but it might be especially helpful when one person is famous and the other isn’t.

Meet Magali Brunelle’s Husband Jared Keeso

Meet Magali Brunelle’s Husband Jared Keeso
Meet Magali Brunelle’s Husband Jared Keeso

Jared Keeso is a Canadian actor who has become quite famous for his work in movies and TV shows. He is not just an actor who appears in things, though. He has also created his own shows, which takes a lot of skill and hard work. 

One of the shows he created and stars in is called Letterkenny, which a lot of people really like. Jared has won some important awards for his acting. He’s won two Canadian Screen Awards, which are like the Canadian version of the Emmys or Oscars. 

These awards show that other people in the TV and movie business think he’s really good at what he does. Winning awards like this can help an actor get more work and be recognized by more people.

Even though Jared is famous, he’s a lot like Magali in that he doesn’t share much about his personal life. He doesn’t talk about his marriage or family in interviews or on social media very often. 

Jared has been in quite a few movies and TV shows. Some of the movies he’s been in include Elysium and Godzilla, which were big Hollywood productions. He’s also been in Canadian TV shows like 19-2 and Falling Skies. 

As of 2022, Jared was worth about 4 million dollars. This means he’s done well financially from his acting and creating TV shows. He makes between $22,718 and $38,620 per year after taxes, which is a good amount of money. 

Magali Brunelle And Jared Keeso’s Children

As of now, we don’t know for sure if Magali Brunelle and Jared Keeso have any children. They haven’t made any public announcements about having kids or starting a family. This fits with how they usually act, keeping their personal life private and away from public attention.

Some fans of Jared Keeso have wondered if the couple has children or if they’re planning to have kids in the future. But because Magali and Jared don’t share much about their personal life, these are just guesses. 

Magali is busy with her work as a lawyer and teaching at a university. Jared is involved in acting and creating TV shows. These kinds of jobs can take up a lot of time and energy, which might be why they haven’t talked about having kids yet, if that’s something they want.

Some couples choose not to have children, while others wait until later in life to start a family. We don’t know what Magali and Jared’s plans are, and it’s really their private decision. 

If Magali and Jared do have children in the future, they’ll probably try to protect their kids’ privacy just like they protect their own. Many famous people try to keep their children out of the spotlight to give them a more normal childhood.

Awards Won By Jared Keeso

Canadian Screen Awards Best Performance by an Actor in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role2015Winner for “The Last Ship”
Emmy AwardsN/ANomination for work in the crime thriller series “19-2”
World Golf Championships Awards2017Recognition
World Golf Championships Awards2018Recognition

Jared Keeso has won some important awards for his acting work. In 2015, he got a Canadian Screen Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role. He won this for his work in a show called “19-2”. 

This award is a big deal in Canada, kind of like winning an Emmy in the United States. It means that other people in the TV business thought Jared did a really good job in his role. Jared was also nominated for an Emmy Award. 

Even though he didn’t win, just being nominated is a big honor. Emmy nominations are given to actors who do outstanding work in TV shows. This nomination was for Jared’s work in “19-2” as well. 

It shows that his acting was good enough to be noticed not just in Canada, but internationally too. In both 2017 and 2018, Jared received recognition from the World Golf Championships Awards. 

This might seem a bit odd for an actor, but sometimes awards are given to people who support or participate in events related to golf. We do not know exactly what Jared did to earn these, but it shows that he’s involved in things outside of just acting.

These awards are important for Jared’s career. When an actor wins awards, it can help them get more work and better roles. It also shows that they’re good at what they do. For Jared, these awards prove that he’s a talented actor who can do great work in different kinds of roles.

Magali Brunelle Keeso’s Net Worth

Magali Brunelle Keeso’s Net Worth
Magali Brunelle Keeso’s Net Worth

Magali Brunelle Keeso has done well for herself financially. As a lawyer who specializes in intellectual property, she earns a good salary. Her estimated net worth is around $126,000. This money comes from her work as a lawyer and her teaching job at McGill University. 

It’s important to remember that net worth is not just about how much money someone makes, but also includes things like savings and property. Jared Keeso, Magali’s husband, has a much higher net worth of about $4 million. 

This is because actors, especially successful ones like Jared, often earn a lot of money from their TV shows and movies. Jared’s work on Letterkenny, a show he created and stars in, has probably contributed a lot to his wealth.

When we look at Magali and Jared together, their combined net worth is quite substantial. This means they likely live comfortably and can afford nice things. However, given how private they are, we do not know much about how they spend their money.

It’s interesting to see the difference in net worth between Magali and Jared. This is pretty common when one person in a couple is a famous entertainer and the other has a more traditional job. 

Even though there’s a big difference in their individual net worths, what matters is how they manage their money together as a couple. Given how private they are, they probably make decisions about money that we don’t know about.

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Facts About Magali Brunelle Keeso

1. Magali is a Canadian lawyer who works in intellectual property law.

2. She was born on April 10 in Montreal, Quebec, and is probably in her mid-thirties.

3. Magali works for a tech company called Coveo and also teaches at McGill University.

4. She married actor Jared Keeso in a small wedding in 2020.

5. Magali likes to keep her personal life private and doesn’t share much on social media.

6. She got her law degree from the University of Montreal in 2013.

7. Magali is tall, standing at 5 feet 10 inches (178 cm), with grey eyes and black hair.

8. She loves animals and has three rescue dogs.

9. Magali enjoys cooking and traveling with her husband and their dogs.

10. She cares about women’s rights and tries to raise awareness about important issues.

Magali Brunelle and Jared Keeso on Social Media

Magali Brunelle@magalibiki (private, 602 followers)@MagaliBrunelle (inactive, 14 followers)Magali Brunelle (1,000 friends, posts about work, travels, hobbies)
Jared KeesoNone (keeps private life away from the public eye)N/AN/A

Magali Brunelle and Jared Keeso do not use social media much. They like to keep their personal life private. Jared sometimes posts about his work, but rarely shares about his relationship with Magali. 

They don’t share many photos or details about their life together online. This fits with their overall approach of keeping their marriage out of the public eye. Fans who want to know more about them might be disappointed.


How did Magali Brunelle and Jared Keeso meet? 

They were introduced by mutual friends in 2018. They hit it off quickly and started dating soon after.

What is Magali Brunelle’s profession? 

Magali is a lawyer specializing in intellectual property law. She works for a tech company called Coveo and teaches at McGill University.

When did Magali and Jared get married? 

They got married on July 4, 2018. The wedding was a small, private ceremony.

Does Magali appear in Jared’s shows? 

No, Magali doesn’t appear in Jared’s shows. She keeps her professional life separate from her husband’s acting career.

Do Magali and Jared have children? 

As of the latest information, there’s no public knowledge of them having children. They keep their family plans private.


Magali Brunelle Keeso and Jared Keeso represent a unique couple in the entertainment world. While Jared is a well-known actor and creator, Magali maintains a successful career in law, separate from the spotlight. 

Their relationship is characterized by a strong desire for privacy, which sets them apart from many celebrity couples. Despite the public nature of Jared’s career, they’ve managed to keep their personal life largely out of the public eye. 

This balance between public careers and private lives seems to work well for them, allowing each to pursue their professional goals while maintaining a personal life away from media scrutiny.

Their story shows that it’s possible to have a relationship where one partner is famous without sacrificing privacy or individual career aspirations. Magali and Jared’s approach to their relationship and public image offers an alternative model for couples dealing with fame.

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